10:00 - 13:00 | Heimatsaal | Workshop
Future Narratives | Local Research Labs - Workshop
What does it take to speak of the future? A new language that steps out of the entanglements of the present, a language that grasps the whole, that dares to create utopian designs? Or is the future hidden in the here and now, in forgotten stories, repressed perspectives? In order to figure out what will follow from what is and was, do we need to speak more precisely? Or does it not depend on us at all, because machines can emulate being human better than we ever could? Or because the Anthropocene is coming to an end and animals and undergrowth will be among themselves, giggling softly when they remember that there were once people who thought they had invented language? A workshop in which we talk about the language of tomorrow.
(c) Noemà Conesa