€ 12 / € 8 (red.) | KOMBITICKET | Ticket also valid for No Mercy Sisters
In cooperation with Schauspielhaus Graz

Production: Verband der Theaterautor:innen, shown at the "Dramen der Gegenwart#2" festival

17:30 - 18:00 | Schauspielhaus Graz

Sichtbar nur wenn betrachtet

Alexandra Pâzgu and Alexandra Zidariu
"visible only when viewed. chance encounters" is a narrative-visual essay/performative reading by author Alexandra Pâzgu and visual artist Alexandra Zidariu, which explores the layers of memory related to a shared childhood place and gardens of friendship. The starting point and inspiration for the collaboration was a joint reading of Jacques Rancière's book "Time of Landscape". During the performance, selected drawings and animations are projected onto a wall while the text is read. The project is a production of the Verband der Theaterautorinnen Berlin, produced as part of the "Kollisionen" project at Ballhaus Ost and shown at this year's "Dramen der Gegenwart".

(c) Kuro.Simon