€ 20 / € 12 (red.)
Director: Manfred Weissensteiner
With: Ronja Abl, Vanessa Defant, Nils Kabon, Felix Ostanek, Ennio Resnik, Lou Schoster, Felix Schwarz, Vivianne Servenay, Greta Zaar, Marlon Zaar
Assistant director and producer: David Valentek
Dramaturgy: Dagmar Stehring
Music: Robert Lepenik
Stage: Imelda Kuntner
Technology: Sebastian Schweighart
Performance rights: Rowohlt Theater Verlag, Hamburg

A co-production with TaO! - Theatre at Ortweinplatz and Next Liberty

From age 14

18:30 - 19:45 | TaO! – Theater am Ortweinplatz


Lena Gorelik
Tickets HERE available

Winner of the Retzhofer Dramapreis in the category "for young audiences" 2023. Luca broke Luis' nose in the changing room with an iron bar. That was really bad! But then Luca wiped his blood off, very gently! Aren't they best friends? Well, the other day on the school trip, Luca came out of the woods with (of course) Alessia... Dude, not him! Luca doesn't want to be called a boy or a girl. Luca is - Luca. And back at the party, Luca tried to tell everyone that... What? You weren't even there! It was really quite different! Oh, and how? It depends who you ask! In Lena Gorelik's excellent and, in the best sense of the word, ambiguous "Vexierbild" (conundrum), an entire class convinces us that we (don’t) know what really happened – demonstrating that the truth is ultimately always in the eye of the beholder.
(c) Nestroy