Director: Anja Wohlfahrt
Box / has and may do everything, must do nothing: Martin Niederbrunner
Tartlets / always at your service: Helmut Pucher
Guest / conscientious: Cassandra Schütt
Three clowns / convincing persuaders: Simone Leski
The musician / part of the whole: Reinhard Ziegerhofer
Equipment: Helene Payrhuber
Stage and live music: Reinhard Ziegerhofer
Dramaturgy: Dagmar Stehring
Assistant director: Johanna Ortner

For young audiences from 5

17:00 - 18:10 | Next Liberty

The king, who had everything

Children's play with live music by Verena Richter
"Pillows, gold and sausage salad, I'm the box that has everything!" - EVERYTHING? Twelve bathtubs full of golden bric-a-brac, 66 pillows that are happy not to be alone?, countless chocolate ice cream fountains, two stuffed squirrels, 33 beds of radishes and underground cabbages, a Middle Eastern backscratcher, rule over those who have nothing, countless (un)affordable admirers and persuaders, plus a good-humour machine, justice, a musician and a cupcake that are always faithful to their royal box of sounds and services ... But wait a minute! Gerächtigdings isn't even on the list! At least that's what the mysterious guest from beyond the mountains of debt, behind the gorges and the forest of suspicion realises, which means that instead of the hoped-for admiration, a lot of excitement unexpectedly finds its way into the kingdom of the box. Well, this Gereuchtigbumms will have to be found, whatever the cost! EVERYTHING? Everything, but not everyone.
In her fairytale parable, which was nominated for the Retzhofer Drama Prize in 2021, Verena Richter tells the story of a bottomless box that has too much and yet never enough and almost overlooks what really counts - and fulfils - because of the desire to possess, the need to be admired and the counting of things.

(c) Stella

Further dates

17:00 - 18:10 | 3 Next Liberty