Director: Antje Schupp
With: Vera von Gunten, Clara Liepsch
Room: Christoph Rufer, Antje Schupp
Sculpture: Oliver Mathias Kratochwill
Costumes: Christoph Rufer
Music: Martin Gantenbein
Sound and light: Christoph Pichler
Text animation: Andrea Gabriel
Dramaturgy: Andreas Fleck

22:00 - 23:10 | Burghof Container

You, Herbert

Judith Goetz, Lydia Haider, Marina Weitgasser
Tickets available HERE

Male violence is omnipresent. Whether in relationships, at work, in public places or in dark corners: it is usually men who destroy, hurt, rob, murder, attack others, exercise power and control, who seek to defend their crumbling dominance at all costs. They pose a threat to themselves and their environment, and yet always believe themselves to be in the right, the measure of all things. Ultimately, this toxic behaviour also reveals that some men have never learned how to deal constructively with conflicts, disputes and rejection or to reflect critically on themselves and the privileges associated with male socialisation.

 The authors spent a year collecting screenshots from the orf.at homepage in order to document the wide variety of offences committed by men. They provide the basis for a multi-layered discussion that draws on documentary, literary and scientific elements and creates a hybrid text format.
Trigger warning: DU HERBERT deals with acts of male violence and works with explicit descriptions of femicide, suicide and sexualised or domestic violence.

(c) Marcel_Köhler

Further dates

22:00 - 23:10 | 11 Burghof Container
22:00 - 23:10 | 11 Burghof Container