Director: Kamila Polívková
With: Antoinette Ullrich, Rahel Weiss, Maria Munkert
Stage, costumes & video: Antonín Šilar
Music: Peter Fasching
Lighting: Antonín Šilar, Ronny Bergmann
Dramaturgy: Dominika Široká
Art & Mediation: Ronja Gerlach
Costume collaboration: Marcus Eufinger

Guest performance by the Mannheim National Theatre

19:30 - 21:15 | Theater am Lend


Ewe Benbenek
Tickets available HERE

They are hanging in the air again, clinging to the chandelier with sweaty fingers. They - three voices (A, B and C) - whose Polish mothers worked themselves to the bone, cleaning and cutting asparagus in Germany, have managed to soar into the glamorous world of success. And yet, bathed in sweat and with "tears of existence" in their eyes, they are already sliding towards the abyss again - without a safety net to catch them... In "Juices", the shame and self-doubt of never "really" belonging to mainstream society as a working-class and immigrant child are transformed into surreal (nightmare) images. The journey leads to a glittering chandelier, a fragrant bubble bath, open-plan offices in the evening, an asparagus field in the German provinces - and the struggle to find one's own language. The three voices attempt to articulate their experiences with classism and describe the structural mechanisms behind it that make discrimination against workers (from the European East) possible in the first place. But can individuals manage to change the unjust conditions?
(c) maximilianborchardt